Bulgaria Crowned Top Beach Destination in the World!

Where should you head for your summer holiday? We would advise Bulgaria as this years top place to visit. Why? Beacause the country has been nvoted the number one beach holiday destination this summer in a brand new survey conducted by Kelkoo Travel.
Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast has emerged as the top beach destination for British Tourists, closely followed by North Tunisia, Turkey, and Egypt, according to the study.
To condust this research Kelkoo based the results on the following key travel criterias including: security, local affordability of goods and entertainment,climate, quality of food, flights and accommodation costs, tourist attractions and more.
“In the current climate, British holidaymakers seem to be more cost-conscious than ever,” says Bruce Fair of Kelkoo UK. “Criteria that matter most seem to be value for money and affordability.”
What is shocking is that this survey suggests that Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and Sydney (Australia) beaches rank lowest mostly due to the expensive flights and lack of safety.
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