Skiing Made Easy - Part 5: Do I need to be fit and how do I prepare?
Skiing Made Easy - Part 5: Do I need to be fit and how do I prepare?
16 Oct 2019

Preparation for a ski/board trip is key. This is especially true if you are a beginner, as there will be many falls (on soft snow!), and lots of physical demands, such as carrying skis. So, to get most enjoyment out of your trip, the best advice is to prepare your body for a week on the slopes.

One of the key challenges is the strain put on your thighs as you ski. After a day many will find their legs complaining and shaking, and you can avoid this by being prepared. Core stability is also key, for balance, for a good ski posture, and to get up when you fall.

As with all sport, warming up and stretching at the end of the day are important. Some hotels will have saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs, all of which help to soothe aching muscles to get you prepped for another day.

Many UK gyms have pre-trip get fit courses, which target key areas for skiing/boarding. At a gym an instructor should be able to provide key exercises for you. Many swear by long runs to prepare you for long days on the slopes. Others swear by yoga to prepare, and during the trip to wind down of an evening.

You can find apps online and tips on these websites,, and welove2ski. You can buy equipment which will help you train, such as the Skier’s Edge T5 Big Mountain which mimics the movements of skiing to improve strength, stamina and muscle memory.

Another system to try is the Ski Trainer, which is a series of blocks to put under your ski boot (you do try this at home or in your ski accommodation) to enable you to find the optimal position for your weight on your boots. It’s not at all easy, but a lot of fun wobbling around trying to balance.

If nothing else, one tip is to sit against a wall for increasing periods from 30 seconds to 5 minutes and more. Ensure you are sat low, with your bottom in line with your knees, and your back pushed hard into the wall behind you. You may need help to get up in the beginning, but you’ll thank us.

In truth, with all the excess of food and drink often consumed on a ski trip, you will likely not lose any weight, despite skiing all day.

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