Sunny Beach Is The Best Value European Beach Resort In Post Office Survey

Sunny Beach Is The Best Value European Beach Resort In Post Office Survey
05 Apr 2019

In the 2017 Post Office Travel Money Holiday Costs Barometer, Sunny Beach offers the best value for money in Europe. They compared the price of ten items you normally buy on holiday including an evening meal for, suncream and a cup of coffee in resorts across Europe and of course Sunny Beach was the best value, with second place £20 or 56% higher! The other resorts just couldn't match the exceptional value Bulgaria offers, such as an evening meal for two people costing under £20!

This is the fourth year in a row that Sunny Beach has won this award and it confirms that Bulgaria offers the best value for money holidays in Europe, in fact prices are 10% lower than in 2016 and lower than at any time during the last five years. Andrew Brown of Post Office Travel Money said, “Meal costs are really the deciding factor in Bulgaria’s favour. Over the course of a week’s holiday, lunch and evening meals for two will cost less around £175 in Sunny Beach but this could mushroom to over £600 in more expensive resorts in France or Italy.  If you haven’t already booked a holiday do your homework to find a resort which best fits your budget.”

Combine this with the great value of our holidays to this wonderful country our customers enjoy a great holiday and the best value for money, the perfect combination for a beach holiday.

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