20 Jan 2011
Bulgaria's Fantastic Kukeri Show
If you are travelling to Bulgaria during the first few months of the year, you have this amazing opportunity to take part in one of the most spectacular spring traditions in the country called 'the Kukeri ritual'. The tradition itself... The Kukeri is a traditional Bulgarian ritual of Thracian origins, but you can expect to find similar ones in near by countries such as Romania, Serbia, Italy and even Spain. This fun ritual is performed by the locals and anyone who wishes to take part between Christmas and Lent and by costumed men, who walk around and perform fun dance routines that are meant to scare away the evil spirits
27 Aug 2010
Obzor - the Peaceful Bulgarian resort on the Black Sea
Well the summer is almost over but we still have over a month to go so if you were after some relaxation then we suggest you invest into a holiday in the stunning little resort of Obzor in Bulgaria. The relatively small town with only 2000 locals is becoming more and more popular with the British tourists. It is located about 65 km south of Varna Airport and also very close to Golden Sands, one of Bulgaria's biggest sea resorts, so you would be spoiled for choice when it comes to things to do. You can have relaxing days around the pool or at the beach in Obsor and other more active days in the stunning Golden Sands. Obzor lies at
01 Jul 2010
Visiting Bulgaria and the stunning Golden Sands resort? Then you can take advantage of this unisex beautiful skin treatment called Environ, exclusively available at the luxury Aphrodite Beauty Spa & Health Clinic. On the 17 July 2010 in the Golden Sands resort it was announced in the Aphrodite Beauty Spa & Health Clinic that a new partner agreement with Bulgaria Etranger Property Ltd has now authorised the distributor of Environ in Bulgaria. The extremely popular Environ skin care range have been designed to combat and relieve the harmful side effects of the harsh and dry climatic changes of the current environment, especially the
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